My only Friends is a band formed by college roommates at villanova unversity in 2019. The band came together playing acoustic shows in dorm rooms for close friends, eventually graduating to basement shows (and one surpise song at phildaelphia’s Howl at the moon!). The band, appropriately named, was more about friendship than music in the beginning. It didn’t matter what songs they were playing, so long as they were playing something together. It was a creative outlet and celebration of finding common interests. Later on, however, the band would find its niche with a few bright and upbeat pop/rock singles, most notably “Crush”, written by founding member Patrick Keough.

In 2024, the band decided to start playing again after an on and off hiatus. Now with a new, bolder sound, the band is excited to play one final show in the heart of new york city!

Stephen Roenitz (Left) is the guitarist

Patrick Keough (Center) is the talented pianist

Richie Halevy (Right) is a mult instrumentalist, primarily playing the drums and keys in this iteration of the band.